A few hours vs. A few days: Dates with Elite FMTY Escorts

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Create Unforgettable Memories with FMTY Escorts

“What’s the deal with all these FMTY escorts?” I see some men tweet. “Why would you fly someone into town or to an exotic destination for days rather than just a few hours?” Well, the answer is: it’s apples and oranges, my friend. Completely different and completely worth it. With the ongoing pandemic and it being harder for companions to tour successfully, there is limited availability of beautiful and bright high-end escorts in most cities. This is why “Fly me to You” dating has increased exponentially for me and my colleagues. But what about spending days with a companion? What does that look like? After reflecting on my last FMTY Escorts, I have a few insights and ideas to share. These are only my views and don’t reflect the sentiments of all escorts and companions.

There is a huge difference between preparing for a 4 hour and a 4 day date… and that starts with chemistry. I think we all could agree that sometimes we can fantasize about someone and imagine there will be sparks flying- but once you meet in-person, the passion falls flat. That happens alot in online dating, and its no different with professional companionship. I always suggest you start with a “dinner date” or “overnight FMTY Escorts” for one evening before forging headlong into a weekend romance. However, if you hit it off, a few days with this person might be just what you need to truly unwind. From a companion’s perspective, there is a different type of energy when I don’t feel the need to watch the clock, and can truly relax. This is primarily why its challenging for me to tour; I prefer to focus on one person for an extended amount of time; and developing a genuine connection is what I find makes this job enjoyable.

If you plan on spending days with a special lady, schedule activities! No woman of high caliber wants to get banged in a hotel room all day, or go on a weekend bender of alcoholism and partying. I personally enjoy adventurous dates like snorkeling, horseback riding, hiking, and biking. I was one of the Top Trainers in NYC many moons ago, and I adhere to the philosophy that ‘fitness is life.’ I love pushing my body to the limits, and getting my heart rate up turns me on like none other. It’s key to try things you both enjoy- so don’t be afraid to get outside of your comfort zone. The point is making memories- not everything has to be perfect.

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Go with the flow is also a very important concept to keep in mind- and one that can intimidate type A personalities like myself. Allow your time together to be relaxed and laid back so you can focus on building a friendship and comaraderie. No one wants to feel like they’re with a task master. In my recent trip to Vieques, Puerto Rico with a client, we made sure to schedule about one thing per day, and do whatever we felt like doing the rest of the time. This provides ample time to make love, read, and play.

Plan time at the spa! You want to feel refreshed and renewed at the end of your romantic getaway, and we want to feel the same. A couples massage is a great way to break up a trip, and I can assure you it’s the best foreplay before bedroom activities. On that note, the bedroom is for sex but it is also for sleeping. If you’re doing a lot of adventuring, having optimal energy is important. Make sure you give your lady 6-8 hours of proper rest so she wakes up smiling and fresh. I know I take my beauty rest very seriously and do not appreciate any pestering through the night.

Get ready to get intimate! If you’re spending day in and day out with that person, be sure to get a separate guest bathroom or two bathrooms. Also be aware that you want to agree on some basic roommate rules like who gets the closet (ME!) and what side of the bed you like to sleep. Don’t forget room temperature preferences, I know that some people can be very particular (ME!). Also if organization is important to you, choose someone who seems organized. It’s great when you can find someone who is as “on the ball” as you are, but flexibility is essential and compromise is best. I like room that looks generally like housekeeping has rolled through daily- so I try and clean up the room as I go and keep my things in one place.

My last piece of advice is to keep in mind that you may only have a few experiences like this in a lifetime, so make the most of it. The whole point in a FMTY destination date is to create magic- and what a wonderful gift to yourself for the holidays. It’s truly a present that money cannot buy (but certainly can fascilitate if you choose the right person.) I hope you enjoyed this blog and are encouraged to live your life to the fullest. Have you ever taken a companion on a trip? Are there any insights you’d like to share? Drop down in the comments below and have a great holiday season!!!

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